February 23

On Monday, February 9, Richard Lazo had a great meeting with the city’s historic preservation officer, Jan Ostashay. She outlined in detail what will be necessary in order for us to obtain demolition permits for the parsonage. We have gathered these notes and are working at full speed to expedite this list as much is possible.

We have successfully opened our very own electrical wholesale account at Walter Electric. They have extended to us the same savings agreement that they have in place for Habitat for Humanity. This agreement will help us to save tens of thousands of dollars in electrical material on our project. As a result of Walter Electrical’s business agreement, we have been successful with finding additional material wholesale managers that are willing to mirror this same agreement. We have found that now is a great time to establish and firm up these agreements because of how slow the construction industry is.

Donna Rallonza has saved us much money in helping us create and produce a construction management and staging plan. This important information is required for us to get permits for our new building.

Our structural steel contact, Fred Nour, has helped save us much money on the design and engineering of our new deck that we will be adding to the back of the church.

Church Development Company is well on its way to completing our construction drawings and documents. They are right on track to deliver this information to us as promised.