On lot sewer project
- 80% of this job is complete, and will have this line in and working this Saturday. Our men have also removed one of the two existing manholes that are no longer in service.
- After the pipe is complete, we will get it inspected and can begin to backfill the trench, which will reopen the south end doors and walkways.
Electrical reroute project
- The new three inch conduit is in place and we are ready to pull wire. We will coordinate the cutover and tap into the new service. We should be on the new power next week, the Edison pole will be removed shortly after.
- We also have delivered several loads of asphalt and concrete to Hansen’s this week, they continue to let us dump there for free.
Main sewer project
- We are now complete. The street has been reopened, and the project has been signed off by the Long Beach Water Inspector.