July 22

Clearing work still goes on even during youth conference!

We had men show up every day last week to help run our equipment, hand load concrete, and drive the new dump truck.
We have dumped over 200,000 lbs. of concrete!
Donna R., Bobby F. and Gerry M. are also working on drawings that are required for us to submit to the city. (These drawings are not in our architect’s scope of work and their work is helping us to save money!)

July 18

Praise the Lord for Bro. Houghton from South Carolina who came with his wife. He paid for his own plane ticket, used his vacation time, and shutdown his business to help us with our demolition.

  • He operated the excavator and completed the demo of the houses.
  • We also removed the remaining palm trees.
  • The demolition and salvage efforts were a great success. We saved tens of thousands of dollars on the demolition alone!

We were able to purchase a dump truck. This has already saved us thousands of dollars in rental/dump fees and will continue to do so throughout our building project.

Tal Neumann and Kevin Castanon have been putting in many hours on our project. Praise God for their dedication.

Many other men have come over the past few weeks to assist with our demolition and demolition clean up. We couldn’t do it without them!

We received the concrete breaker attachment and are plugging, removing, breaking and piling the concrete.

Oscar Torres is doing a great job with planning and scheduling our class A drivers. They are helping with the concrete hauling which began on Monday.

We are also gearing up to begin the main sewer reroute and the power pole relocation.

June 18

It’s here! We are moving quickly on the demolition of the construction area.

  • The block walls around the site have been torn down.
  • Jim Skaas gave us his backhoe to use throughout our project for free and also agreed to operate it—this will save us thousands of dollars.
  • The construction fence has been installed.
  • The salvage efforts of the houses have worked out better than we anticipated. This is saving us much money on dumping as well as meeting the city’s green building ordinance.
  • We are in the process of finding a good dump truck for our construction.
  • Many men have come to help with the clean up of the demo.

Please continue to be in prayer as we move on in our demo, grading, and soon construction of our new building.