- We began to backfill the on lot sewer trench.
- The soil engineer came by to perform a compaction test and gave us some tips on backfilling.
- Edison poles were removed.
- Preparations are currently being made to prepare the bed that the gas line will lay in.
- Brian Sluder from Sword and Trowel Missions came and spent the weekend at our jobsite. He is helping us put together a plan to save us $100,000 on our grading. We are praying that he can come back in a few weeks and get the grading done using our own volunteer men!
November 13
- Cost Savings–The Lord has allowed us to save thousands of dollars in the early stages of our construction project. We have seen him lead and guide us through the process. God has helped us to save nearly $100,000 so far. We have the most committed church in America! This is demonstrated by the willing sacrificial giving and service of our people, whether it be time, talents or treasures. Its exciting to see how the Lord is blessing our church’s faithful stewardship.
- Rough Plumbing Assistance–We had a great meeting with Bro. Vonnoh (CLAIM Director). As we unfolded our construction plan, he was already coordinating teams of volunteer CLAIM men that may come and help with our project. His son, Joey Vonnoh is a skilled plumber and is looking forward to the possibility of coming and heading up all of our underground utilities for our new building. This is a big blessing and will help save us tens of thousands of dollars in the early stages of our project.
- Grading Information–We received our grading plans two weeks ago and have submitted them to the city. Emma Vargas is doing a great job with gathering bids for this work. Brian Sluder of Sword and Trowel ministry will be here next week to survey the site and prepare a plan to help us perform the grading ourselves. Please pray that we can use a combination of our men and the other skilled men that the Lord is bringing our way. The grading contract prices could be $100,000.
- Equipment for Grading–John Ellis has committed to giving us the best deal in town on all of our equipment. He has also been a big help with our on lot sewer project. Not only has he given us a great deal on the back hoe rental, but he has also has taken time to train our volunteer men. John has given us the compactor wheel rental at no charge (typically $95 a day)
- Pre-engineered Steel–Fred Nour, our structural engineer, is helping us locate several companies and key people to help and advise in ordering the pre-engineered steel for the structure of our building.
- Sewer Reroute–The main sewer reroute has been completed. We were also able to save money on this project by removing the existing man holes and removing the existing sewer line. The onlot sewer has also been completed. This 240 foot sewer line projected was completed with 100% volunteer work!
October 25
On lot sewer project
- Last week we completed the on lot sewer reroute. The pipe is in and working.
- We will perform a leak test for the inspector this week so he can sign off on it—weather permitting.
Electrical reroute project
- On Saturday we pulled in the 6 new wires that will power our existing building. It was a big job, but praise the Lord for our men. They used their time and talents to help us save tens of thousands of dollars.
- Edison will disconnected their wires, and we can then land ours and power up the building.
October 10
On lot sewer project
- 80% of this job is complete, and will have this line in and working this Saturday. Our men have also removed one of the two existing manholes that are no longer in service.
- After the pipe is complete, we will get it inspected and can begin to backfill the trench, which will reopen the south end doors and walkways.
Electrical reroute project
- The new three inch conduit is in place and we are ready to pull wire. We will coordinate the cutover and tap into the new service. We should be on the new power next week, the Edison pole will be removed shortly after.
- We also have delivered several loads of asphalt and concrete to Hansen’s this week, they continue to let us dump there for free.
Main sewer project
- We are now complete. The street has been reopened, and the project has been signed off by the Long Beach Water Inspector.
October 3
On lot sewer project
- This week we had several men come in on 2nd shift and work until the evening to dig and lay our sewer pipe.
- John Ellis of Ellis Equipment came and volunteered on Saturday to operated the backhoe.
Electrical reroute project
- We have completed the rough in at the existing electric room. Everything is prepped and ready for the new service. The trench is 75% complete. Once completed, we can lay the pipe and pull the wire. The Edison pole will be removed shortly after that.
Main sewer project
- The main sewer line and four man holes have been installed, tested, and are now in use. Our contractor is cleaning the street and finishing the compaction.
- Paving will soon follow, and the street will be reopened very soon.
- We are also able to continue to save money by Hansen concrete, who will continue to allow us to dump all of the asphalt and concrete that was dug up during the sewer reroute projects.
- We will begin hauling out several loads of this material next week.