February 23

On Monday, February 9, Richard Lazo had a great meeting with the city’s historic preservation officer, Jan Ostashay. She outlined in detail what will be necessary in order for us to obtain demolition permits for the parsonage. We have gathered these notes and are working at full speed to expedite this list as much is possible.

We have successfully opened our very own electrical wholesale account at Walter Electric. They have extended to us the same savings agreement that they have in place for Habitat for Humanity. This agreement will help us to save tens of thousands of dollars in electrical material on our project. As a result of Walter Electrical’s business agreement, we have been successful with finding additional material wholesale managers that are willing to mirror this same agreement. We have found that now is a great time to establish and firm up these agreements because of how slow the construction industry is.

Donna Rallonza has saved us much money in helping us create and produce a construction management and staging plan. This important information is required for us to get permits for our new building.

Our structural steel contact, Fred Nour, has helped save us much money on the design and engineering of our new deck that we will be adding to the back of the church.

Church Development Company is well on its way to completing our construction drawings and documents. They are right on track to deliver this information to us as promised.

February 22

A big THANK YOU is extended to all those who, even through these difficult times, have stayed faithful in their monthly building commitments. Matthew 25:21 says, “…Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things…” Thank you for being faithful stewards of what the Lord has entrusted you with.

Our demo preparations are going well. We just completed our city required asbestos test and are moving closer and closer to actually tearing the houses down. We also obtained much needed storage and Sunday school space by renting the house on the corner of 33rd and Magnolia. By renting this house, we not only gain storage and Sunday school space, but more spiritual dominion here in the Wrigley area.

Our pre-construction projects are coming along very well. We can still use many more willing men who can come and help complete the remaining projects, and willing ladies who can cook for our pre-construction workers. If you would like to help with the pre-construction projects, please contact Nathan Ros (562) 424-7714 ext. 301. If you would like to help cook meals for these men, please speak with Miss Jessica Meyers.

February 1

We are so excited that the city has approved our building project! The extensive bidding process has now begun, and the demo preparations for our two corner houses are now being made. Kevin Castanon, a faithful man in our church, has the skills to oversee the demoing of the asphalt, concrete, and two houses. He also has the ability to have our property graded and prepared for the foundation. Kevin not only has the skills, but is willing to oversee the entire project. What a great asset to our church it is to have men like Kevin who use their God-given abilities for his church. Big thanks to Kevin and the team of men that will help him.

On Tuesday, January 27, Pastor and Richard Lazo had a very successful meeting with the city planning department. They discussed the conditions of approval and the time-line for our permits. The planner let us know that because things at the city are a bit slow, we will be able to obtain our demo permits (for the two houses on the corner, the amphitheater, basketball court, and children’s play area) and grading permits much sooner than we ever thought possible. They also expressed to Pastor that we would be able to get our construction documents approved much, much earlier than we thought. WE ARE CLOSER TO BUILDING THAN EVER BEFORE! Please remember to be in prayer for our building staff as they seek God’s wisdom through this preliminary building process.

Now more than ever it is important that we keep our building commitments. Due to the current state of the lending market, we are re-applying for our loan. Our lenders are viewing our building commitments right now. The more building fund money our lender sees come in, the better interest rate and terms we will have for our loan. Please continue to be faithful in your tithes, offerings and building commitments.

Please continue to be in prayer for our building. God’s hand of favor throughout this building process is more important than anything else.

January 22

We are very excited that the city has approved our building project. Lord willing we can begin to demolish both houses soon. After the demolition is complete, we can begin to grade the area and soon thereafter prepare to have the foundation laid. As we get closer to building, let’s continue to pray for His favor each step of the way.
Also, our pre-construction projects are going well. We have finished several projects. Thank you to all who have helped work and cook. If you are interested in helping with our pre-construction projects, please call Nathan Ros at 562-424-7714 ext. 301.

August 4

Thank you so much for being faithful in your building commitments. Since the banquet, it has been phenomenal to see each person continue to give and do his part to get our future building up.

We are very grateful to have the new patio up. It was used during our Youth Conference last week and will be used all during the month of August for our Family Emphasis month. Thank you for all your help and hard work. We are still continuing to work on the other pre-construction projects as they are coming together well.

Please pray that the upcoming meeting with our city in September will go well.